Crying Alone

I hate college. Let's start at that.


Well, I don't hate it, I just hate being treated like an adult all of a sudden.


It's been 2 days since I started my first year at college and since then I've come home and cried for hours in my room.


I know everyone is gonne say "just wait, it'll get better" but really don't wanna hear that anymore.


Everyone just assumes everything is gonna be okay but let's be real, it's not.


I've lost 5 pounds in 2 days and I'm scared this is only gonna get worse as my stress levels rise more.


I've cried so much and fear I'm becoming someone I'm not.


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yuutoo #1
You will gonna miss that time when you in final year of college, and we are not get happiness we created it. So what you feel is what you think.
I think you should talk and maybe share your problem with your family and friends? At least they can help you by giving you some support. Usually things get alittle messy like for the first few month and then slowly you'l get the hang of it.. You'l get to meet new people , have your group of friends and by the time you know , you already start doing crazy fun stuff together ... Give yourself some time and space. You will learn to adapt better . Stay strong know that you are not alone. There're people who feel the same way too