Why am I Struggling!?!?!?!

You guys! T_T I'm trying to finish this chapter for my Jjong fic and it just won't work! I'm straight-up feeling stressed cuz it's been my usual month since I've updated and I know you are all anxiously awaiting a new chapter... but damn am I having a block or something? Like I've got 7 pages already written and edited but it's not long enough cuz I need you guys to get to a certain point in the story with this chapter or else it'll ruin the one coming after it (which I already started writing cuz... I'm a crazy bish who doesn't write her chapters in order). So now I gotta get this done before getting to the gritty stuff and I'm just like staring at my screen... I took off work cuz I'm starting my new job at Apple on Monday! Gasp! and I didn't feel like working anymore for my other job. And I thought now is the perfect time to do some writing, but all I've managed to do is watch Winner videos because their comeback tracks were awesome, and re read some of my older stories and tell myself internally what I need to edit to make them better(Looking at you Keys to Happiness) and nothing comes to mind for Jjong cuz even though I know what I want I can't make my hands type out the words for some reason... ugh. You guys have any ideas? 


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First you need to relax, take a walk and don't think about the chapter, then you need to get inspiration, for example, read stories that are the same genre as yours, watch movies that are related to your story in some way and then write key points: what is supposed to happen in your story? Write scenes for that chapter, write what is supposed to happen in order for you to get to that point. You can write short parts and then try to put them together so you can achieve that part you want to.

What are your chara's thoughts? What is he feeling, don't forget to portray that and music also listens, I always have a soundtrack for my stories and since your story includes jazz, you can try and listen to a few good playlists on spotify!! :)
Well whenever I have major brain farts I listen to music. It brings out the mood depending on what the chapter is about. If it's a love scene I listen to 90's love songs or smooth jazz. If it's an angry scene I listen to rock or alternative music (Idk why, Lol). Or if it's a sad scene I listen to break up songs. This is my method & it works for the most part. An idea will just come to me & I have to write or type it immediately. I hope my advice will help you in some way & I eagerly await the next chapter my dear. Hwaiting!!!!!! <3
Kill a character. ;)
I'm serious, though. It's my go-to for blocks. Not because it's anything exciting but I just think murders are a great way to get words onto the paper. It starts a flow for me and most of the time I can return to the fic I was trying to write. ^^