How can you defined True Love?

-When you find the one that you want to be with for the rest of your life?

-When both of you are always happy just being with one another?

Yeah, maybe you are right, and we all want a fluffy relationship like we used to read here in asianfanfics. Others may don't like an angst story or maybe even hated it and the author.

Reality hurts isn't?



Love is not always about rainbows and butterflies. You have to experienced the rain before it becomes a rainbow.

When the both of you faced a challenged, all the hardship in your relationship to test your love and no one ever let go of each others hand. That was somethng Precious, that is True Love. Meaning you build a foundation in your relationship, and used it as a weapon in the more trials to come.

If you can't nurture and protect your feelings, your love is not strong enough.

Love is patient.

Love is kind.

Love is understanding.

It's always full of mystery.

But it can also be



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