Do you have any questions about writing???

So this is something I'm doing for the summer issue of AFF Magazine... We each have two articles/posts to write so I'm doing sort of a Q&A thing for people who want to write, or just anyone else who is curious. The other one would be a one-shot, so look out for that. 

Anyway, please leave comments if you have questions for me as writer, I know I'm not famous or even good, but sometimes I receive questions on writing and I get asked for advice too, so I figured you guys could just leave questions here and I'll answer them in a compilation for the Summer Issue of AFF magazine. I'll credit the questions to the people who asked them, and recurring questions will be answered once. I'll probably do a max of 30 questions and if I get any more questions, I'll just pick the questions that seem most useful to aspiring fanfic writers. 

Thank you for helping me out if you ever leave a question in the comment section! <3



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loyal-ExosSpirit #1
1. When and how did you start to write a fanfic here in AFF? Who's the one that push you?
2. How did you come up with your ideas/imagination so well and details.. Sometimes I feel like I was the reader because your stories are my inspiration!
3. As a writer.. How do you get your inspiration? Because I used to write to but.. I never finish my story and just put it in draft because I don't feel like it heh.
4. As a writer and I bet as a reader.. What's your preference to look for something to read?
That's all from me. :)
If you get into a writing slump, what are your methods of getting out of one? Where do you get your inspirations from, or rather, how do think of them? Do you write randomly (if you know what I mean) or do you play your stories? Finally, what are some ways to avoid "cliche" in your stories?
Is it possible for everyone to write good ? (I have ideas but i on implementing them
TabiDiana #4
Oops... sorry for double commenting but I left out a question >< not really about writing but im just genuinely curious and just gonna leave this here... :X last but not least do you ever have sudden urge to complete/rewrite your abandoned drafts or discontinued stories?? Like cough workingforthetrinity cough Do you write on a daily basis, like allocating some time on writing on average in a week or just whenever you feel like it?
TabiDiana #5
You're hands down one of the best author, never doubt that :') There are several things I'm curious about so just feel free to pick any to answer!

1. Where do you usually get your inspirations from? Whether its a new story or just a scene... does it just come to you when you see certain photos/gifs/random prompts or just something the boys did in their daily lives/shows?
2. How did you come to create cute and ajdjsjdjs fictional characters like Buzz?
3. Your fluff scenes are amazing... did you write them out of random snippets of movies you saw or purely from your imaginations? They are all so relationship goals worthy... ;A;
4. I find it hard when it comes to combining dialogue and actions together when writing... like, I would like to explain their actions, but at the same time they should be talking to each other and i always just go ??? when I want to phrase my words... its just... so hard... do you have any advise on this for improvements? Orz

I'm really looking forward for your Q&A and oneshot in the magazine... I always look up to you so so much in writing and storytelling... and every time you let us on snippets of the way you do stuffs or write, my impression on you just keep growing... Thank you for this great opportunity to let us know more about you!! You're so much more than you think. So inspiring, amazing yet greatly humble of what you've achieved.
DarkArmy #6
1.How do you think up of your story concept/plot? Like do you just randomly see something that triggers and then BAM story plot idea
2. How do you overcome writers block?
3. Do you think of the entire overall plot before writing or do you think of the following plot as you write (go with the flow kinda thing)
4. How can I improve my writing technique. I always try to write but end up using a lot of the same words so I give up in the end.
Thank you and I love your stories <3
Oh no.
MeilyBaely #8
My question is.. which one is more good to write directly or plan it first? Omg sorry for my bad eng :P
BaeSooYeon #9
okay so um... english is my second language, and my struggle is i already plan out everything in my head (ofc in my first language), but when i decided to write in english, everything seems so hard and it turned out not the way i want it to be and sometimes its kinda off topic. my question is what should i do to make writing easier in english as a second language? hope you answer my question. but anw i fREAKIN LOVE YOU VANILLASUSHI NIM!<3
I want to ask several questions actually if that is okay.
I wrote down some things but it doesn't feel right so I decided to rewrite it but it goes into some very different direction. How do you handle that?

Also how to you make scenarios feel real?

How can I avoid my story into becoming too unrealistic?
Whenever you write something,do you post them when you have already laid out everything as in you already know what's going to be the ending or you just post them now and just decide later what the ending might be or how the story goes?
Yay first question! I could probably ask you personally but I'm gonna ask for the sake of others who may pose the same question. So, I know we all have our own ways of developing our own stories, but (like me in the past) others just write without a plan. Some just have to think of their new chapter or fic without any game plan, so how do you develop each chapter or do you write down how your new fics are going to go? How do you break everything down?