making the biggest decision of my life.

I've recently been accepted to a college exactly 1150 km away and I am having second thoughts about going. Getting accepted means moving and leaving everything behind. I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave my family, my friends and everything that I've grown accustomed back home. I'll be starting from scratch and I think it's easy to say that this is freaking me out.

I have two choices; to go or to stay and try my luck next year, applying for a much closer college. The course that I got accepted in is biological and geological science, and the main reason why I applied was that of the education. I've also applied to other colleges which are closer to home and the course that I've applied was nursing. But here's the thing, I'm not sure if I can see myself working as a nurse in the future. I'm not sure if it's something I could live to do my whole life. And to be honest, the only reason why I chose it, is because everybody was expecting me to do so. They all assumed that I will choose the same path my mom, my dad, and my aunt have chosen. I don't know what to do. I was actually excited when I first heard the news of me getting accepted but now that I've got time to think things through, I'm becoming more and more nervous and doubtful.

Am I ready?


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betchay1131 #1
hmmm,sometimes there are choices that are really hard to decide esp when they were presented to you and you think many people are going to be affected by your decision,,but you know sometimes there are things that we must decide on our own not becoz of what other people want us to but bcoz we think it will be better for us,nobody holds our future but us,it's us who will take the path not other people,hope this message can ease a little bit of your burden..
I think you should follow what you want and not what is expected of you. You don't want to have a degree that you're never gonna use like me. I know it's scary starting something new but think of it as a challenge. To see how you do with a new adventure. When I graduated high school, I didn't know what I wanted to be so I let my mom choose my major. I got a bachelor's in Information technology which I'm not using and now I feel I'm too old to go back to school so I'm stuck being a secretary possibly for the rest of my life.
YuzuruH #3
you should totally go :)
we will always have to leave our family behind someday.
go and be successful, make your parents proud :D
Go and leave everything behind. When you go it's not a goodbye forever but a goodbye for that moment. You will be always able to visit your family and friends back then. Beside that you are going to meet some new wonderful people building up your independence and bringing yourself much futher in live! Just go with it. I think you might regret in the end you didn't leave!
Don't study nursing if you're doing it for everybody else. That's the first thing. And for moving, well, sometimes we need to jump into the unknown to know whether or not we're ready for it - but even if we aren't fully ready, we'll adapt and with an open mind, you'll be able to succeed, even if you're far away from home. Take a chance. I'm sure you can always move home again if it proves to be the wrong decision. ^-^