When I saw this news I was like !!?!!! that Hello was nominated omg!! 

After PD101S2 (and getting depressed that Jonghyun didn't make it and Minhyun was extremely sad), I was here hoping that Wanna One and NU'EST would have their first win at around the same time so that Minhyun wouldn't be that sad that NU'EST finally won but without him and in this case they'll be there for each other still.

BUT IF THEY WIN WITH HELLO? IT'S LIKE THE BEST CASE SCENARIO (imo) since it's a song they all took part in and Minhyun definitely wouldn't feel left out and sad because of it again! Like they earned it omg after all the tears and hard work they've put in. 

So NU'EST fans out there or anyone that wants NU'EST to get their recognition (and happiness) do help stream Hello from their official channel!! (not sure if 1thek views are counted though) 

(i found out that international fans can't participate in the voting after making a korean apple id and downloading the app through korea app store and making a melon account and all and realised that I needed a korea number HAHA oops) 


Really sincerely and desperately hope that NU'EST finally gets their first win omg


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