"LOVE....a normal love that is simple and easy were too far from my dreams, because in mine there is always some sickening twist." ___.(your name)

"LOVE...i fall in love the moment i laid my eyes on her .  She is mine and i will never let go of her till death do us a part" KAI

"LOVE....i've known her since she just 1 day, and i was just 3 years old but since that day i vow to myself that i'll protect her.. everyday till now i will only pray for her for her and even risk my life for her ..and frankly speaking it's not wrong to be obsessed with your fiance right...eventhough clearly she don't even know a thing"JIN 


Three person who tangled in one destiny. the girl who are afraid to fall in love , a boy who give evrything for the one he loves and another one who have been loving the moment she breath


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