Vape Culture: Ideal Plotline?

Hi everyone, 

So, this been on my mind for the past few days. It's in relation the subject of vaping, and whether it can be used as a plot device. Vaping is somewhat different than smoking, the exception is inhalation of smoke, chemicals and tobacco (cigarette) and chemical flavorings, vapor and electronic devices (e-pens, e-cigarettes ETC). I'm kind of curious on Koreans, specifically speaking, Korean celebrities perspectives on the subject. Whether they approve, or even try out such devices.

I've been doing some research on vape devices and the culture that surrounds vaping. It's an underground thing, and not entirely public unlike cigarettes. Needlessly to say, I'm interested in writing a fanfiction using vaping as a plotline. Do anyone agree? Disagree? Have anyone tried vaping before, and what's your opinion on it? 

Is it worse than cigarettes? 

I'm thinking about building a character who vapes. Maybe influence other characters to try out vaping, too. Not claiming whether it's morally right or wrong, but trying to experiment with different qualities of the character. Create an individual who's heavy into the vaping culture. 

Also, I've been heavily into BTS, so my favorite biases may be included. Actually, I'm truly intrigued in BTS's opinions on these topics. 

What do you guys think?


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Well, I'm commenting in MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW, I didn't mean to offend anyone.

I'm working in the health industry. And from what I read and heard and collected from meetings, vape is much more dangerous than cigarette. We don't understand what are exactly the contents of the liquid. And what harm will it brings to affect the body systems or organs. You see, the chemicals they use for cigarettes are an open-secret. Studies could and had been made to understand the side effects or long term harms of using them. But there is none for the time being for vape. So we won't know how dangerous or harmful it is for us though many claim that it has lesser dose of nicotine or what so ever.

You see, I'm not discouraging you, but simply telling you the picture I have for vape which is slowly becoming a culture of the young these days. I'm sorry if this comment hurts you or anyone of you who are reading it. But that's only my concerns and my opinion.