Rhythm After Summer - Review by vronvron

Rhythm After Summer - Review by vronvron - author AnnaAliah

by vronvron   (blog review)
Posted on Feb 11, 2017 00:22:35 | Friends Only Post 
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Title [4/5]: The title of your story is short and catchy and it links up with the description of your story. Although the choice of the word After does confuse me a little as you seem to suggest that these drabbles will be during the summer.

Foreword/Description [9/10]: The description of your story/drabbles is short and gives plenty of room to work with for your future drabbles since you will be using prompts from readers. It is also short enough to avoid being boring, but also allow readers to suggest various prompts.

Characterisation [5/10]: As for your first drabble with Kaisoo as the couple you write about, the characters are very simplistic and don't have much depth to them. They seem a little on the superficial and stereotypical end of the spectrum. This can be worked on throughout your future drabbles though. As this will be a set of drabbles, I understand that it may be difficult to have developed characters, but it is still possible with some practice to give the characters of your drabbles some more depth.

Grammar/Syntax/Vocab [2/5]: From your story, I can assume that English may not be your first language. There are several points in the story where your word order could be fixed and also some simple grammar and punctuation marks should be fixed as well. Your choice of some vocab is a bit too much like texting, such as the word "prof". You use this word instead of "professor" quite frequently throughout the drabble, however when not used in dialogue, it's best to use the whole word, not a shortened form. I would suggest finding a beta-reader/editor for some help.

Setting [7/10]: The setting of the drabble depends on the prompt of course. However, when there are time skips or when there is a jump from one scene to another, it is best to use a larger gap between the end and beginning of scenes. Please be aware of this as it can confuse the reader.

Conclusion [4/5]: The lighthearted ending of the drabble suits the style that you are trying to go for - more fluffy and romantic. It leaves some room for a sequel drabble or continuation if you ever plan on writing more for that prompt.

Enjoyment [3/5]: As for my personal enjoyment, it was a nice read, however, it felt a little rushed as it was a drabble. I feel like it could be worked on a bit more and improved on in the future with some more practice.

Total [34/60]


A big thank you to Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ ILaria Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Multi shop


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