My life

So basically my life is miserable. I can't take it anymore. Almost everyday I wanna die. My family basically treats me like trash. Even when I try to do something right I'm always compared to people who are prettier than me, smarter than me and more responsible than me. Almost everyday I always feel the same pain. Even when I have a good day, at the end of the day it's horrible. 

My horrible life didn't start recently, it started when I was a kid. My family just wants a perfect kid. And since I'm the middle child, I'm not perfect so I disappoint my parents about everything I do. My mom always fat shames me and telling me to lose weight everything. In my head I said to myself, "I'm sorry I can't change the way I am. This is just the way I am. Nothing can change it." And when I couldn't take it anymore I told her everything about what I felt but still she still fat shames me and doesn't think about what she's saying. What she doesn't know is that I've tried to kill myself bc of what she's saying. I know I'm still alive but I've tried it before it just didn't work as it supposed to  

Have you ever felt like you don't belong to a family that hurts you so much? Well I have. Sometimes I just want to run away from everything. I just want a normal life. If I had a chance to change something in my life, it would be my family. I don't care if I'm poor or rich. I just want to live a happy life for once in my life. The only time I felt happy is with my friends and my grandpa who just happened to be dead for 8 years   


So basically that is my story. My life is miserable.


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Exofan12345 #1
When I feel sad or miserable I just listen to music and reflect on my life and what I want my future to be like, also your life is precious so please don't do anything u might regret.
First of all I want to tell you is that it's actually not that hard to be happy, because you think that your life is so miserable that is why it's even more miserable. I know it's hard and I completely understand, expecially when family is such a part of life. But the advice I want to tell is that it's okay to not like your family but do accept and respect them as your family. Don't keep what they say in your heart and ignore them if you need to, don't let them affect your happiness at all. That's when everything will get better. And please, please don't ever harm yourself ever again, in a way it's self pity and a but pathetic, if I have to say it in a mean way so you won't do it again. Live for yourself and be happy for yourself. As you grow older you will look back and realize that everything wasn't as hard as it seem. Keep going!