Amazing things in work

So just letting you all know I got some amazing things going on in my life right now.
I am super busy trying to make it happen.

I am so nervous, so scared that it will fall through.
That's why I won't tell you just yet exactly what is happening.
But as soon as it's confirmed, I'll bring you all amazing news :D

If this goes through, this will be life changing for me.
Yes, it will probably affect my fics.
but honestly, I am willing to abandon them for this.
I'm super sorry, but don't worry. I will finish them, but everything in my personal life might change.

What am I even saying?
Since my personal life will change, so might my writing
I will try to continiue and finish, but you never know what the future will hold.

Sorry for my random rant, and keep an eye out for an update <3

CnynqxrWIAAQFK0.jpgBTW: I'm so hyped for this.... I don't even know how to deal with all these feels.... and it's not even out yet


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Mautjezwik #1
I know you can do it! Everything will work out for you!
Wish the best happens to you♡