I'm just gonna act like I don't care...

All this talk about being skinny,being beautiful and fitting in is getting a bit annoying. I hate society for putting a "perfect image" of how we should look and how we should act in our brains. I hate that the society had molded us into a bunch of judging and unreasonably jerks who only knows how to put each other down. (defnitely not generalizing. Please don't misunderstand)
I know that this particular subject has been a dilemma for centuries. Beauty has been a very big part of our evolution. It's been hanging from our back for god knows how long. But let's be honest. It's getting pretty annoying right? And it's not just within women, it's everywhere.

I for one have been struggling with my weight for god knows how long. And it's definitely not fun when you're family is putting you down for it. But It's not as easy as it might seem. The constant talk about losing weight, the teasing of looking fatter than usual and the constant you get for eating a cupcake just because you wanted to. It's not easy. I don't want to swear but I tell you what! those people who keep telling me "You'll get fat if you eat that." or "You'll go back to how you use to be if you eat that." Please. Let me eat in peace. Let me enjoy my life, do my own mistakes and learn from it. I don't need to deal with this specially when people don't know what I have been through and what I am going through.
I love food and yes I enjoy eating them, thank you very much. As much as I want to live a healthy life, I also want to enjoy life. I want to eat the foods I want, to do what I want and to have the freedom to speak my mind when I want to. Is it too much to ask? Is it to much to ask to let an 18 year old girl have the freedom to do so without being criticized and judge for it?
People now a days are so obsess with being beautiful, being skinny or being unrealistically perfect. And yes. I am one of those. I am not going to hide the fact that I judge other woman because I am jealous of them, I am not going to lie about struggling to be like everybody else, nor am I not going to hide the fact that I had done some stupid things just to fit it. I'm not ashamed of this because, at the end of the day, I know for a fact that there are a lot of people like me. I am very much aware that I'm not perfect and will I ever be.
But isn't it enough that I have to through all of this on my own? Isn't it enough that I feel bad for doing so? Because I'm pretty sure that I for one don't need more hate, specially from those who doesn't know me and from my family. I don't need the constant nagging about losing weight from my family. Specially not from the people whom I wanted to have my back.
It's not my fault that I love food right? It's not my fault that Iwas born this way? I mean. I love myself. I love every part of me. My scars, my thick legs and arms, everything. I love me and I certainly don't need people telling me to change myself just to ft their standard. I hear a lot of people say "Just pretend that you don't care". I'm sorry to disagree but it's not that easy. Pretending not to care and constantly getting the hit is not an easy task. If you keep everything inside, eventually you'll drown. It's going to ruin you. But. I don't know how to properly handle this so I don't have anything else to say regarding this, because I myself is struggling finding the right way to deal with this.
All I want to say is. I am happy with myself but I don't need people  bringing me down just because I don't fit their standard.


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You go girl :) I agree. We should just live the way we want as long as it dosent caused any harm . Fighting. You are doing great dont listen to negativity.
"All I want to say is. I am happy with myself but I don't need people bringing me down just because I don't fit their standard."

And that makes you the most beautiful. Not your outer appearance, but your inner determination.
I totally share your opinion! As long as I don't steal from your plate, mind your own business, I'll deal with my problem in the way I want. The fact that they criticize me so harsly only makes me think that they do it because they're scared to be criticized about their flaws.
tabitabi #4
Couldnt agree more than that!