50 questions (just bcoz)

1. Were you named after anybody?



2. When was the last time you cried?


Last year. Before I quit my job.


3. Do you like your handwriting?

 Yup. I have different type of handwritings. Depends on the tip of the pen and my mood.


4. What is your favorite lunch meat?

 What? Hmm...chicken. 


5. Do you have kids?


Nope. But i have 4 nieces at my house. I babysit them sometime.


6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?


Yes. I love me so much. Hhahaha


7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?


yes. But only in highly intellegent person. 


8. Do you still have your tonsils?

Yes..all of them


9. Would you bungee jump?


I would if I could. But i am afraid of height. I think awfully long before I decided to ride roller coaster or space shots.


10. What is your favorite cereal?

Nestle coco crunchh!! I may be old. But you never go wrong if u have coco crunch and cold full cream milk. Arghhh


11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?




12. Do you think you are pretty strong?


yes. Physically and emotionally


13. What is your favorite ice cream?


All type of ice cream.


14. What is the first thing you notice about people?


Hmmm...i dont know. What ever that have unique sense on them


15. Red or Pink?




16. What is the least favorite thing about yourself?

 I get irritated easily by unlogical behaviour of the people. Also i'm a shy person. I wish I can just tell myself " 'em"


17. Who do you miss the most?

 I miss Jessica in GG


18. What is the nutrition or fitness strategy that you need to work on the most?

Hm......i dont know


19. What color shoes are you wearing?

No shoes. Asian dont wear shoes in our house


20. What was the last thing you ate?




21. What are you listening to right now?


TV sounds


22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?



23. Favorite smells?


Rose and smells during rain


24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?


Hm..some random dude asking who I am. Weird. He was the one calling me.


25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?


Beach house. I love beach.


26. Favorite sports to watch?




27. Hair color?


Black. No..hmm..brownish. Asian hair. Hahahha


28. Eye color?


Dark brown


29. Do you wear contacts?




30. Favorite food?


I love foods. Except melon type of food. Like jessica. But i like cucumber though


31. Scary movies or happy endings?

Cant choose. But lately no single scary movie is scary enough. So..happy endings. Same goes to ff. 


32. Last movie you watched?


Pitch perfect 2


33. What color is the shirt that you are wearing?



34. Summer or winter?


Winter. Love the fashion


35. Hugs or kisses?




36. Favorite dessert?


Blueberry cheese cake


37. Strength training or cardio?



38. Computer or Television?




39. What book are you reading right now?


Diagnosis 2


40. What is on your mousepad?

No mousepad.


42. Favorite sound?


Taeyeon's voice


43. Rolling stones or Beatles

Neither. Girls generation



44. What is the farthest you've been from home?




45. Do you have a special talent?


I can draw potrait. Not as good as Jellywing. People sais my singing voice is great. I kinda know how to repair certain thing.


46. Where were you born?


In a hospital. In malaysia


47. Where are you living right now?

Small town in melaka


48. What color is your house?


Orange, brown and white.


49. What color is your car?


Ozzy orange. 


50. Do you like answering 50 Questions?




Bonus question (^-^)v

51. What is something odd that you like?

 Cant think right now



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