Z.TAO - Crown Official MV

Every hero, are meant to guard the gentle in the heart. Each perseverance, is meant to chase for the gleam of hope. Directed by famous US movie director Nick Lentz, at the cost of $2 million, filming in the air and sea, 200 hours of continuous filming without sleep and 100 days of meticulous making, only to create this touching 7 minutes. Huang Zi Tao new song Crown MV momentous online, to illustrate the perseverance for love, a self-sacrificing story.

每一个英雄,都是为了守护心中的温柔。每一次执着,都是去追逐那希望的微光。美国知名­短片导演Nick Lentz执导,耗资200万,上天入海的实景拍摄,200小时不眠不休的拍摄+10­0天精心制作,只为你打造这7分钟的感动。黄子韬新歌《皇冠》MV重磅上线,为你讲述­一段为爱执着、奋不顾身的故事。


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aria_churros #1
what are your thoughts on his new mv?
He must REALLY love her if he tried to see her dozens of times...
mrsleechoi #3
My panda <3 SO y