I'm just here saying that I will post a new story that's a Huang ZiTao fantasy (kinda) romance centred one. Why don't you people write some comments?

Here's the plotline:

Tao couldn’t age. He didn’t know when it happened but he just couldn’t become old like normal people. He wanted to but couldn’t. When he met the one he loved, he always felt guilty that he stayed young while his partner grew older as time passed.

He wanted to stop it.

And he didn’t know how.

There was only one way but he didn’t know it.

And the prolougue cause you're all special people:


Huang Zitao was born with strange marks over various parts of his body, but the one that stood out the most was the symbol tattooed on his neck. It would glow a bright shade of iridescent blue whenever he was remotely emotional.

His Dad wanted to get rid of him the moment he held his baby son. He didn’t want anybody to see him. He would feel like a disgrace if he showed an abnormal baby to his parents. He would be kicked out of the family with his head held down in shame. He stared at the baby with his emotionless eyes.

A monster.

That was what the father called him. He wasn’t the son that he produced; it was a monster.

When she was pregnant, the mother adored her baby bump and the little kicks that Zitao made. She could see the fruitful life of raising him up to be the perfect son and man. But that all changed when she saw her baby. She didn’t want to raise him. To her, those marks were bad omens. Misfortune would surely follow through the family. When the father told to doctor he didn’t want the baby, she had enough pity for Zitao to let him live. She managed to convince the father from killing the new born and requested that they not keep the baby but hand him over to an orphanage.

For the week that the mother stayed in the hospital, she treated Zitao as if he was a normal child she just bore. It was time to let him go and she was not ready to severe the mother and son bond that was created strong in the week they had been together. She loved her son. She no longer thought that he was a bad omen, a misfortune to the family. He was a gift given to her. She loved to kiss the marks on his skin and watch them glow with pleasure. She felt lucky to have a son like him. Her husband however, thought otherwise. He didn’t agree to her thought of keeping the child. They fought over the phone and what started as a loving conversation to bring his wife back to the household after taking care of the baby ended with a shout of divorce through the phone. The mother’s heart broke after hearing the word divorce come out of her husband’s mouth. All energy drained out of her, she dropped the phone and stared at Zitao with tears filling her eyes. The baby having woken up from the commotion returned her stare with his own huge eyes. A sob of pain escaped her lungs and she uncontrollably cried all night. Although not knowing anything, Zitao cried with her and shared the pain. From then on, she cared for him by her self in South Korea to escape her family who has disowned her and ceased all contact with her.

She loved him to Pluto and back.

She just didn't know how much problems will be caused for Huang Zitao because he can't grow old. Simple as that.



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Kawaii_Fox #1
It's cool~ You should post your story as soon as you can!

I think it's kinda unique~
Waoh~ that sound cool!!!!!!

It seems different, I'd love to read it :)