EXO singing in different languages

Pronounciation wise, hands down "Sabor A Mi"

Feels wise, I'm biased but I like "Nguoi Ay" better. It's just....the satisfaction of hearing your bias group sing in your language.

Now, I can't exactly understand what they're saying much, but looking at the original song, the original artist was just a little bit better at pronounciation than EXO was.

I dunno, my ears are weird cause the swelling from the tooth removal has gone up my face and it's affecting my hearing slightly.


Either way, loved both performances and it's great to see them diversify. Is that even a real word. Diversify? I don't think so but whatevs.


cr: Go here to see how you can help out EXO!: http://goo.gl/KfB2Am


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Oh my gawd I didn't know
Their Spanish pronunciation (although obviously I'm not pro) is amazing. Always nice when we get to hear Chanyeol sing. Do you think they did well with the Viet pronunciation given time limit and everything?