This is an extension of my previous blog. You might want to read that first.

But anyway, the point of this post is that I’m so very happy to let you all know that the Admins of the One Direction Fanfiction site has removed the copycat’s verbatim copy of my fic “The Stages of Losing Breath” off of their site.

The copycat hasn’t replied to my message, but I don’t really care since whatever lame reason this person can come up with will not win against the evidence I have against her and the fact that she stole my intellectual property. The copycat only posted until the chapter before my first big hiatus from that fic (Chapter 8 or 9, I think) and eventual “Subscriber’s Only” edit, but even so stolen property is stolen still, and that is a crime.

Anyway, I’m glad it’s been taken down and I’m hoping against all hope that it doesn’t happen again.

Re: the notice of my non-updating fics… I thought about it all of last night actually, and I decided that I wasn’t going to let a shameless person stop me from doing something I love doing. And especially with TSoLB, considering how much work and effort I put into it—I’m not going to stop writing it until I finish. I owe it to myself and all of my subscribers (all 1,334 of you in TSoLB). But I am going to take time to cool down even more, so there won’t be any fanfiction updates from me until April or June 2015.

I am also going to set all of my currently on-going fanfics to ‘Members Only Access’. That should be enough precaution for now. I’m not going anywhere yet. That’s still up in the air, but I’m going to be even stricter now than before. So any or all fic I come up with will be set ‘Members Only’ as well.

…and if one of my fics suddenly disappear, just send me PM and I’ll give you the link to them and then tell you that I’ve probably turned it into an original fic (all of my fics are AU, there is a point to this) and posted it on Fictionpress or Wattpad.


That’s about it on this issue. My enforced Hiatus starts now. I’ll be back eventually.

Thank you to everyone who comforted me yesterday or helped report the copycat to admin. My deepest and sincerest gratitude goes to you all.




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I'm terribly sorry that this happened. I followed TSoLB on LiveJournal under an old account of mine but had stopped using it (and pretty much stopped reading dbsk related fics). I remember that I never got to finish this so I went back looking for it on lj but saw what had happened. It's understandable to be stricter now, and I hope that the jerks won't plagiarize again (some humans never learn though). I wish you the best in your writings! Fighting! :)