Birthday Girl

Married, Because of Business Matters
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Waking up in the morning was the best feeling ever. Who were you kidding? It wasn`t the best feeling ever, but today it was your birthday and you hadn`t slept the whole night just waiting for this day.

You heard the creak sound from the bedroom door and you quickly laid your head back on the pillow and pretended like you were sleeping. Not wanting to ruin the moment by being awake before your mother stepped inside.

You felt your mother`s hands on your shoulders shaking you gently. “You have to wake up birthday girl” She whispered to you, and you faintly opened your eyes pretending like you just woke up. “Your breakfast is waiting in the kitchen, I made a special breakfast like I always do when you have birthday” She told you, and you sprung up from the bed.

“Before leaving the room you need to tidy your bed” Your mother`s voice became strict for a second and then soon her warm smile placed her lips once more. “Omma, I am 18 now” You whined and she laughed. “Even so, you`re still living under my roof so it means my rules” She told you in a mocking way and left the room. With a sigh you did as told and tidied your bedroom.

After freshening yourself and putting on your school uniform you were looking forward to eat your special birthday breakfast but before you did, you stopped by your father`s picture hanging inside your bedroom.

“Annyeonghaseyo appa” you spoke to the picture. “Your daughter is finally 18 years old. I am a grown girl now” You continued. Your father died in a plane crash when you were 8 years old, and since then you would always talk to his picture every time you felt down. Even if you were sad about the fact that your father couldn`t be here at your birthday you had somehow gotten used to it. “I promise appa that I will be a good girl while carrying your name” You told the picture with a bittersweet feeling. “I don`t know how I can repay you for everything you did for me, but I promise that I will do anything to repay it all back” You grinned. “Bye bye appa, I`ll see you when I get back from school” You waved to the picture and ran to the kitchen.

As you sat down your eyes almost fell out of your sockets when you noticed how many pancakes your mother had made for you on your birthday. “18” Your mother told while pointing at the pancakes laying in front of y

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re-read it again
Chapter 55: Is as if i never read this before, it's really amazing
Chapter 55: just reread and enjoyed all over again!
14 streak #4
Chapter 55: Rereading this again! Forgot how many times I read this and I still loved it!!
Chapter 55: I really liked the pace of the story, will check the sequels ^.^
Chapter 47: It's heartwarming to have Yixing and Kris getting to know each other and become friends
Chapter 41: Finally ^_^
Chapter 35: If only she listened to Yixing's wise words...
Chapter 34: Oops! That hurt :|
Chapter 27: So, when is he gonna find out that he actually cares about her??